Smoothie with Arugula and Kiwi

Smoothie with arugula and kiwi

A smoothie is a thick fruit cocktail, often with various beneficial additives, slightly diluted with juice, water, milk or tea. Arugula, oats, rice, spinach, flax - there are so many things people add to smoothies! Personally, I find them to be a great substitute for breakfast. And this breakfast is pure enjoyment!


  • Total: 15 min
  • Active: 10 min
  • Serves 3
  • 82 kcal / 100g


  • Arugula
    30 g
  • Kiwi
    3 piece
  • Banana
    2 piece
  • Oat flakes
    40 g
  • Lemon juice
    2 tablespoon
  • Honey
    1 tablespoon
  • Water
    150 g


When choosing arugula, make sure it is not wilted. If it is homegrown, soaking it in water might help it revive. But if...

When choosing arugula, make sure it is not wilted. If it is homegrown, soaking it in water might help it revive. But if it is from the store, it is unlikely to help. The taste will be extremely unpleasant, and it will end up in the trash. Kiwis and bananas should be ripe. If you bought firm kiwis, know that they will soften and ripen after a couple of days at home in the kitchen.

Take unprocessed oats for the recipe, the ones that take a long time to cook, not the quick ones. If you want, you can...

Take unprocessed oats for the recipe, the ones that take a long time to cook, not the quick ones. If you want, you can rinse them. Pour boiling water over them, drain off any debris that floats up, and strain the oats. Sometimes I replace oats with brown rice. Cook it until it's ready, drain the water, and cool it down. Honey can be used instead of sugar. A tablespoon is enough for me. Lemon juice - freshly squeezed.

Peel and roughly chop kiwi and banana. First, I put oats, honey, lemon juice, and a little water - about 30 grams - in a...

Peel and roughly chop kiwi and banana. First, I put oats, honey, lemon juice, and a little water - about 30 grams - in a blender and blend it all together. Then I add all the other ingredients to the blender. Since my blender is small, I do it in two batches.

Do not add water yet, blend everything without it, as the ingredients blend better. But if the blender doesn't like...

Do not add water yet, blend everything without it, as the ingredients blend better. But if the blender doesn't like something and doesn't blend well, you can add a little bit of water. When you see that everything is blended, then add water, or even better, water with ice cubes. Mix everything thoroughly, and voila! It's ready. This amount yields three not very large glasses of delicious, healthy green smoothie. Enjoy!

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