Newest recipes

Mineral water okroshka

Okroshka with Mineral Water

Cooking Time: 60 min
67 kcal / 100g
This cold soup consists of a large amount of fresh vegetables and fragrant herbs. Typically, okroshka...
Mia Walker
Mia Walker
4.8 out of 5
Nettle soup

Okroshka on Tana

Cooking Time: 45 min
73 kcal / 100g
Take note of such a refreshing version of a cold summer soup - okroshka on Tana. Many are more familiar...
Mia Walker
Mia Walker
4.7 out of 5

Pasta recipes

Mushroom noodle soup

Noodles with Forest Mushrooms

Cooking Time: 65 min
153 kcal / 100g
Dishes with forest mushrooms are particularly aromatic and delicious. Noodles with forest mushrooms have a...
Mia Walker
Mia Walker
4.9 out of 5
Soba noodles with eggplant

Soba Noodles with Eggplant

Cooking Time: 30 min
124 kcal / 100g
A delicious and filling dish made with buckwheat noodles and pieces of eggplant and mushrooms, which can...
Mia Walker
Mia Walker
4.9 out of 5


Autumn Soups

Chickpea soup with lamb

Chickpea and Lamb Soup

Cooking Time: 100 min
46 kcal / 100g
Chickpea and lamb soup, known as chorbă, is a close relative of the famous Uzbek shurpa. They share a...
Mia Walker
Mia Walker
4.9 out of 5


Corn pancakes

Corn Pancakes

Cooking Time: 30 min
193 kcal / 100g
Corn pancakes made with corn flour are more golden in color and have a distinct corn aroma. They can be...
Mia Walker
Mia Walker
4.6 out of 5

Top rated

Armenian pie with nutmeg

Armenian pie with nutmeg

Cooking Time: 60 min
380 kcal / 100g
This is an incredibly aromatic pie with a sandy-nutty base and a milky-nutty filling. And unlike other...
Mia Walker
Mia Walker
5.0 out of 5
Brussels sprouts puree soup

Brussels Sprouts Puree Soup

Cooking Time: 30 min
23 kcal / 100g
Today I will show you a very simple and tasty Brussels sprouts puree soup, which requires a minimum of...
Mia Walker
Mia Walker
5.0 out of 5