What to cook quickly and deliciously

Carrot Korean-style: homemade recipe

Korean Carrots: Home Recipe

Cooking Time: 35 min
117 kcal / 100g
Korean carrots have long become a versatile appetizer on many tables. Juicy, sweet, and mildly spicy. It...
Mia Walker
Mia Walker
5.0 out of 5
Cheesecakes in the oven

Baked Cottage Cheese Pancakes

Cooking Time: 45 min
198 kcal / 100g
According to this recipe, baked cottage cheese pancakes are light and low-fat. Such pancakes are a treat...
Mia Walker
Mia Walker
4.9 out of 5
Oatmeal pie with apples

Apple oatmeal cake

Cooking Time: 40 min
297 kcal / 100g
I make an apple oatmeal cake when I don't have time to fuss with classic pies. And it's not just because...
Mia Walker
Mia Walker
5.0 out of 5
Poured pie with sorrel

Sorrel Pie with Poured Dough

Cooking Time: 60 min
184 kcal / 100g
A very quick and easy version of a pie with poured dough and sorrel. You can consider this recipe as...
Mia Walker
Mia Walker
4.6 out of 5
Cookie with chocolate crumb

Cookie with chocolate crumbs

Cooking Time: 35 min
455 kcal / 100g
Many people love American cookies or cookies with chocolate crumbs. It is often sold in coffee shops...
Mia Walker
Mia Walker
4.9 out of 5
Cherry puffs made from puff pastry

Cherry puff pastry turnovers

Cooking Time: 40 min
255 kcal / 100g
Cherry puff pastry turnovers are a simple, inexpensive, and quick pastry. If we are talking about fresh...
Mia Walker
Mia Walker
4.6 out of 5