Spring soups: recipes

Strawberry gazpacho

Strawberry gazpacho

Cooking Time: 180 min
55 kcal / 100g
A summer, light, refreshing, healthy, and very simple soup that does not require a stove. All you need are...
Mia Walker
Mia Walker
4.9 out of 5
Pea soup with fish

Pea Soup with Fish

Cooking Time: 515 min
181 kcal / 100g
This soup is a very budget-friendly and nutritious first course, as dried peas are a source of complete...
Mia Walker
Mia Walker
5.0 out of 5
Dill soup with sea fish

Dill soup with sea fish

Cooking Time: 55 min
42 kcal / 100g
I really liked this light and incredibly aromatic dill soup with sea fish so much that I cooked it again...
Mia Walker
Mia Walker
4.6 out of 5
Cheese and cream soup with two kinds of fish

Creamy Cheese and Fish Soup

Cooking Time: 60 min
38 kcal / 100g
Creamy soup with processed cheese and red fish is a popular dish in many families. However, due to the...
Mia Walker
Mia Walker
4.7 out of 5
Soup with nettle and blue cheese

Nettle and Blue Cheese Soup

Cooking Time: 20 min
54 kcal / 100g
You don't always have to go to a fancy restaurant or an elite supermarket for delicacies and exquisite...
Mia Walker
Mia Walker
4.6 out of 5
Cheese soup with mushrooms

Cheese Soup with Mushrooms

Cooking Time: 120 min
42 kcal / 100g
Today I will share a recipe for cheese soup with mushrooms, which will fill the kitchen with an incredible...
Mia Walker
Mia Walker
5.0 out of 5
Cold yogurt soup

Cold yogurt soup

Cooking Time: 20 min
58 kcal / 100g
This refreshing and light soup is something in between okroshka, cucumber soup, and tarator. And, as often...
Mia Walker
Mia Walker
5.0 out of 5
Harchi with lamb

Lamb Harcho Soup

Cooking Time: 160 min
161 kcal / 100g
While it is still quite cool outside, hot, hearty, and rich soups are popular. For example, lamb harcho...
Mia Walker
Mia Walker
4.6 out of 5