Jerusalem Artichoke Puree Soup

Jerusalem artichoke puree soup

This soup is made from Jerusalem artichoke, also known as 'earth pear', and will be enjoyed by everyone, especially children. It has a pleasant sweet taste and a silky texture. Jerusalem artichoke puree soup is rich in vitamins, easy to prepare, and the ingredients are very inexpensive.


  • Total: 30 min
  • Active: 15 min
  • Serves 4
  • 60 kcal / 100g


  • Jerusalem Artichoke
    700 g
  • Carrots
    1 piece
  • Onion
    1 piece
  • Water
    400 ml
  • Milk
    200 ml
  • Salt
    on taste
  • Bread crumbs
    on taste
  • Green onion


Start by peeling and cutting the onion and carrots for the soup. You can cut them into any shape - slices, cubes, or...

Start by peeling and cutting the onion and carrots for the soup. You can cut them into any shape - slices, cubes, or julienne. However, the smaller the pieces, the faster they will cook in the soup.

Thoroughly wash the Jerusalem artichokes to remove any dirt and peel them using a vegetable peeler, knife, or by...

Thoroughly wash the Jerusalem artichokes to remove any dirt and peel them using a vegetable peeler, knife, or by vigorously rubbing them with a metal brush.

Peeled Jerusalem artichokes tend to darken quickly, so it is important to cook them immediately or keep them in water...

Peeled Jerusalem artichokes tend to darken quickly, so it is important to cook them immediately or keep them in water with a few drops of lemon juice.

Finely chop the Jerusalem artichokes, similar to the onion and carrots. Transfer the chopped Jerusalem artichokes...

Finely chop the Jerusalem artichokes, similar to the onion and carrots. Transfer the chopped Jerusalem artichokes, carrots, and onion to a pot, pour in cold water, and put it on the stove. Simmer for 12-15 minutes from the moment it starts boiling.

Then salt the soup and pour in the milk, wait until the soup boils again and turn off the heat.

Then salt the soup and pour in the milk, wait until the soup boils again and turn off the heat.

Puree the soup with an immersion blender right in the pot, put it back on the heat and, stirring continuously, wait until...

Puree the soup with an immersion blender right in the pot, put it back on the heat and, stirring continuously, wait until the mixture starts to bubble, that is, boil. Once this happens, turn off the heat.

The cream soup is delicious with croutons and finely chopped green onions. You can make croutons, for example, from a...

The cream soup is delicious with croutons and finely chopped green onions. You can make croutons, for example, from a baguette or a loaf - cut them into cubes and dry them in the oven or in a frying pan.

Pour the ready Jerusalem artichoke puree soup into plates, sprinkle with croutons and onions. Serve immediately so that...

Pour the ready Jerusalem artichoke puree soup into plates, sprinkle with croutons and onions. Serve immediately so that the croutons do not get soggy. As you can see, the recipe is easy to follow, and the soup is low-calorie and very healthy. I advise you not to use any spices except salt, as the taste of the soup is very delicate and sweet, and the presence of spices and other ingredients can greatly alter it.

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