Refreshing Cucumber Gazpacho with Rue and Mint

Cucumber gazpacho with sorrel and mint

This juicy and aromatic cucumber gazpacho with rue and mint will not only surprise you with its taste, but also refresh you on a hot day. This first dish must be served with ice; you can add it either when serving or when creating the gazpacho. Instead of garlic, you can use fresh rue - it will give the cold soup a garlic aroma, but it is not recommended to replace fresh mint with dried mint!


  • Total: 15 min
  • Active: 10 min
  • Serves 2
  • 42 kcal / 100g


  • Cucumber
    4 piece
  • Mineral water
    1 glass (200ml)
  • Salt
    2 pinch
  • Mint
    3 spring
  • Ramson
    10 spring
  • Ice
    6 piece
  • Black pepper
    2 pinch
  • Olive oil
    1 tablespoon


Prepare all the ingredients for cucumber gazpacho with chervil and mint, freeze water in a mold, and place it in the freezer.

Prepare all the ingredients for cucumber gazpacho with chervil and mint, freeze water in a mold, and place it in the freezer.

Rinse the cucumbers in water and use a vegetable peeler to remove the skin. For young cucumbers, you can chop them...

Rinse the cucumbers in water and use a vegetable peeler to remove the skin. For young cucumbers, you can chop them together with the skin, but for more mature or medium to late varieties, it is necessary to carefully remove the skin and taste the cucumbers to make sure they are not bitter. Slice the peeled cucumbers into small circles directly into a blender or food processor.

Wash the stems and leaves of the sorrel, remove the ends, and cut them into small strips. Add them to the blender. If...

Wash the stems and leaves of the sorrel, remove the ends, and cut them into small strips. Add them to the blender. If sorrel is not available, peel a couple of garlic cloves, rinse them, and slice them. Add the garlic slices to the cucumber mixture.

Wash the stems of fresh mint, remove the leaves, and add them to the blender along with the spices and ice. Pour in olive...

Wash the stems of fresh mint, remove the leaves, and add them to the blender along with the spices and ice. Pour in olive oil and 1 cup of mineral water: sparkling or still - choose according to your preference.

Purée the contents of the blender for 2-3 minutes on the highest speed until it becomes a smooth mixture. It is best to...

Purée the contents of the blender for 2-3 minutes on the highest speed until it becomes a smooth mixture. It is best to use the pulse mode.

Pour a portion of the cucumber gazpacho with sorrel and mint into a deep bowl, add 1-2 ice cubes to the soup and garnish...

Pour a portion of the cucumber gazpacho with sorrel and mint into a deep bowl, add 1-2 ice cubes to the soup and garnish with mint leaves or cucumber slices. Serve immediately while the dish is chilled. Croutons made from black bread or crackers are a perfect accompaniment. Optionally, you can add classic yogurt or cream from the store to the gazpacho.

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