Traditional Irish Mashed Potatoes

Mashed potatoes Irish style

This Irish mashed potatoes will delight you with its delicacy, unique flavor, and airy texture.


  • Total: 50 min
  • Active: 30 min
  • Serves 6
  • 110 kcal / 100g


  • Potatoes
    1000 g
  • Cream
    200 g
  • Butter
    60 g
  • White cabbage
    400 g
  • Pine nuts
    50 g
  • Sesame
    1 tablespoon
  • Green onion
    50 g
  • Olive oil
    1 tablespoon
  • Paprika
    1 teaspoon
  • Salt
    on taste
  • Black pepper
    on taste


Prepare all the ingredients in advance. Rinse the potatoes well under running water. Peel the prepared potatoes. Cut them...

Prepare all the ingredients in advance. Rinse the potatoes well under running water. Peel the prepared potatoes. Cut them into large chunks. It is better if they are of the same size. This way, we will ensure even cooking of the potatoes.

Transfer the prepared potatoes to a saucepan. Fill with cold water. Add salt. Put the potatoes on the heat and cook until...

Transfer the prepared potatoes to a saucepan. Fill with cold water. Add salt. Put the potatoes on the heat and cook until fully cooked. The readiness can be checked with a knife. It should pass through the potatoes easily. If necessary, remove the top leaves from the cabbage. Slice the cabbage thinly with a knife or a special vegetable slicer.

Pour a little water into a saucepan and add salt. Put the saucepan on the heat. Once the water boils, put 2/3 of the...

Pour a little water into a saucepan and add salt. Put the saucepan on the heat. Once the water boils, put 2/3 of the prepared cabbage into it. Set aside one portion for decoration. Cook the cabbage for 3-4 minutes. It should become slightly soft but remain crunchy in the middle. Transfer the cabbage to a colander. Completely drain the liquid from the cabbage. Pour cream into a small saucepan. Add 50g of butter to the cream. Put the saucepan on the heat. Heat the cream with the butter until the butter is completely dissolved in them. Once the potatoes are cooked, drain all the liquid from them. Mash the potatoes with a masher. Gradually add the hot cream with butter and continue mashing the potatoes. Continue until all the cream with butter is finished. In the whipped potato puree, add slightly boiled cabbage. Rinse and dry green onions well with a paper towel. Finely chop the green onions and add to the potato puree. Season with pepper and mash the potatoes with cabbage and onions again using the masher. Cover the saucepan with the potato puree with a lid and put it on the lowest heat. Heat the potato puree for 5 minutes.

Pour olive oil into a frying pan. Put the frying pan on the heat. Add the remaining portion of raw cabbage to the heated...

Pour olive oil into a frying pan. Put the frying pan on the heat. Add the remaining portion of raw cabbage to the heated oil. Add peeled pine nuts and sesame seeds. Season with a little salt and add paprika. Fry the cabbage, stirring constantly, until it turns light golden brown.

Place the prepared potato puree in a deep plate. Add 10 grams of butter on top. It will completely dissolve on the hot...

Place the prepared potato puree in a deep plate. Add 10 grams of butter on top. It will completely dissolve on the hot potato puree. Add the fried cabbage with pine nuts and sesame seeds to the potato puree. Garnish with finely chopped green onions and serve hot. Irish mashed potatoes are ready! Enjoy your meal!

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