How to cook young potatoes

How to cook young potatoes

Young potatoes are much more tender and delicious than regular ones. Its season is short, so you need to make use of it. What makes young potatoes special? Of course, the thin skin that doesn't need to be peeled. That means everything will be ready very quickly. It also contains less starch, which is another plus. Simply boil it and add some butter - that's already good, but it's even better to make a light and bright green sauce, like salsa. The combination is unbeatable. Very tasty.


  • Total: 25 min
  • Active: 10 min
  • Serves 4
  • 162 kcal / 100g


  • Potatoes
    700 g
  • Olive oil
    100 g
  • Parsley
    50 g
  • Garlic
    2 clove
  • Green onion
    25 g
  • Red wine vinegar
    1.5 tablespoon
  • Cumin
    0.3 teaspoon
  • Salt
    on taste
  • Black pepper
    on taste


Prepare all the ingredients for cooking delicious young potatoes.
For this recipe, the smallest, cheapest, young potatoes...

Prepare all the ingredients for cooking delicious young potatoes.

For this recipe, the smallest, cheapest, young potatoes work perfectly, which are often not known what to do with. In this dish, they look very cute - you prick a potato on a fork, all covered with green, aromatic sauce and straight in the mouth:) And there is no need to peel it.

I add a pinch of salt, and then taste it - if the taste is a bit fresh, I add a little more. If, suddenly, you realize that you over-salted the sauce a bit, add half a teaspoon of sugar, it will slightly adjust the taste.

Thoroughly wash the potatoes by a convenient method. For example, just take a few small tubers in your hands and rub them...

Thoroughly wash the potatoes by a convenient method. For example, just take a few small tubers in your hands and rub them against each other under running water. Or use special coarse gloves. These are two methods that I use.

Then put the potatoes on a sieve or colander and rinse them finally.

Place the potatoes in a saucepan, cover with water, add salt, and let it cook until tender. The cooking time depends on...

Place the potatoes in a saucepan, cover with water, add salt, and let it cook until tender. The cooking time depends on the size of the tubers. Small ones take 15-20 minutes to cook.

Finely chop the onion, as well as the garlic. If there is no green onion, you can take shallots or even regular onions. I...

Finely chop the onion, as well as the garlic. If there is no green onion, you can take shallots or even regular onions. I have whole green onion stalks, along with the young bulbs.

Place parsley greens in a blender. If the stems are small and soft, I do not remove them. If they are thick and tough...

Place parsley greens in a blender. If the stems are small and soft, I do not remove them. If they are thick and tough, then cut them off and use only the leaves.

If you like cilantro, you can replace part of the parsley with it. But I never add more than twenty percent, because in this sauce, in my opinion, parsley should dominate.

To the herbs, add garlic, onion, a pinch of salt, pepper (or a mix of peppers), a little cumin, pour olive oil and...

To the herbs, add garlic, onion, a pinch of salt, pepper (or a mix of peppers), a little cumin, pour olive oil and vinegar.

The vinegar should be white wine, red wine or grape, not spirit or table vinegar.

Blend until smooth consistency. Taste and adjust the flavor. You may want to make it slightly spicier or add a pinch of...

Blend until smooth consistency. Taste and adjust the flavor. You may want to make it slightly spicier or add a pinch of sugar for a brighter contrast of taste.

Drain the water from the boiled young potatoes and add a couple of spoons of sauce.
I don't add all at once. Whoever...

Drain the water from the boiled young potatoes and add a couple of spoons of sauce.

I don't add all at once. Whoever wants more (and there will be enough sauce), can take it personally in their plate. Besides, the sauce goes well with both meat and poultry.

Cover the pot with a lid and shake it, mixing the potatoes with the sauce.

Cover the pot with a lid and shake it, mixing the potatoes with the sauce.

Serve immediately. Delicious and aromatic!
If you didn't use all the sauce, cover it with plastic wrap and place it in...

Serve immediately. Delicious and aromatic!

If you didn't use all the sauce, cover it with plastic wrap and place it in the refrigerator. Some say that it shouldn't be stored for too long as the taste deteriorates, claiming that the herbs and olive oil give the sauce a metallic taste over time. Others argue that the aroma and flavors only develop, and the sauce becomes even better the next day. Personally, I make it and store it in the refrigerator for a couple of days without any issues. It just didn't last longer.

Our young potatoes are ready. Enjoy your meal!

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