Grapes in syrup for winter

Grapes in syrup for winter

When grapes ripen, be sure to prepare grapes in syrup for winter preservation - the preservation is aromatic, juicy, and very tasty. You can use any variety of grapes, but it is best to buy seedless grapes. The taste of the preservation becomes concentrated, so you can use it to make compotes by diluting it with water, jellies, adding it to desserts, etc. If the grapes are sour, then the amount of sugar in the ingredient list should be increased.


  • Total: 120 min
  • Active: 20 min
  • Serves 2
  • 137 kcal / 100g


  • Grapes
    0.5 kg
  • Sugar
    200 g
  • Water
    120 ml


Prepare the necessary ingredients for making preserved grapes in syrup for winter.

Prepare the necessary ingredients for making preserved grapes in syrup for winter.

Detach the grape berries from the bunch without leaving any stems on them. Place them in a deep container and cover with...

Detach the grape berries from the bunch without leaving any stems on them. Place them in a deep container and cover with cold water. Let them sit for a couple of minutes, then thoroughly wash them by hand, removing any film on the berries - it is these films that contain yeast bacteria.

Drain the berries on a colander or pour out the water right from the container, rinse them a few more times, being...

Drain the berries on a colander or pour out the water right from the container, rinse them a few more times, being careful not to crush the grapes.

In a saucepan or other cooking vessel, combine water and sugar. Place the vessel on the stove over medium heat, bring to...

In a saucepan or other cooking vessel, combine water and sugar. Place the vessel on the stove over medium heat, bring to a boil, and reduce heat to a minimum. Boil the sugar syrup for 1-2 minutes.

Add the washed grape berries to the syrup. Simmer everything together on low heat for 1 minute, then turn off completely...

Add the washed grape berries to the syrup. Simmer everything together on low heat for 1 minute, then turn off completely. Let the grapes cool in the hot syrup for about 40-50 minutes. This is necessary for the berries to absorb the syrup.

Then, turn on low heat again under the pot with the grapes in syrup and bring the contents of the vessel to a boil once...

Then, turn on low heat again under the pot with the grapes in syrup and bring the contents of the vessel to a boil once more. Turn off the heat and let it cool.

Heat the contents of the container for the third time. At the same time, scald the lids and jars with boiling water or...

Heat the contents of the container for the third time. At the same time, scald the lids and jars with boiling water or steam them in a water bath or in the oven.

Pour the hot syrup with berries into the jars and immediately screw on the lids or use canning lids and a wrench. Let the...

Pour the hot syrup with berries into the jars and immediately screw on the lids or use canning lids and a wrench. Let the jars cool to room temperature, then you can store the grapes in syrup for the winter in a cellar or pantry.

You can enjoy grapes in syrup not only in winter, but also in spring, if it survives until then and no one eats it!

You can enjoy grapes in syrup not only in winter, but also in spring, if it survives until then and no one eats it!

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