Lazy recipes

Lazy charlotte

Lazy Charlotte

Cooking Time: 15 min
109 kcal / 100g
Can you imagine that it only took 10 minutes to make this Charlotte? Yes, yes! And it's all because it's...
Mia Walker
Mia Walker
4.9 out of 5
Lazy cabbage pie in the oven

Lazy cabbage pie in the oven

Cooking Time: 70 min
169 kcal / 100g
This quick, juicy, and delightfully aromatic pie is made from affordable ingredients. Its charm lies in...
Mia Walker
Mia Walker
5.0 out of 5
Lazy oatmeal in a jar

Lazy Oatmeal in a Jar

Cooking Time: 490 min
97 kcal / 100g
You can prepare a breakfast of oatmeal with kefir in the evening, without cooking! Let me explain how. It...
Mia Walker
Mia Walker
4.8 out of 5