Plum Jam with Walnuts

Plum jam with walnuts

Jam, fruit preserves, spread... Sometimes it's confusing what, where, and how to distinguish them. In essence, spread always has a uniform consistency. Fruit preserves, on the other hand, always retain the shape of the fruit. And jam is the same as fruit preserves, but it is cooked much longer and the fruits are completely softened, losing their shape. It's up to you to decide which you prefer, but I'm going to cook plum jam with walnuts... and add some brandy too!


  • Total: 60 min
  • Active: 30 min
  • Serves 2
  • 170 kcal / 100g


  • Plum
    1.5 kg
  • Walnuts
    70 g
  • Sugar
    800 g
  • Lemon zest
    1 teaspoon
  • Cognac
    20 g
  • Water
    150 g


I'm not very familiar with plum varieties, but mine, it seems, is one of the most common ones called 'Vengerka'. The...

I'm not very familiar with plum varieties, but mine, it seems, is one of the most common ones called 'Vengerka'. The fruits are not overripe, without visible and, as it turned out, invisible damage. Thoroughly wash the plum, removing the stem.

First, remove the pit. Simply cut the plum in half and remove the pit. Also, always check for any rotten plums. If there...

First, remove the pit. Simply cut the plum in half and remove the pit. Also, always check for any rotten plums. If there are not many, remove the wormhole and use the rest. But if you have a large harvest, just throw away the whole plum.

For cooking, you will need a pot with a wide bottom, as the larger the surface area, the faster the liquid will...

For cooking, you will need a pot with a wide bottom, as the larger the surface area, the faster the liquid will evaporate. Pour 150 grams of water into the pot and add the plums. Cook over high heat for about 10 minutes, stirring frequently. After this time, the plums will turn into a puree-like consistency. Skim off the foam that forms on the surface and discard it.

Grate the zest of one medium lemon, using only the yellow part. Add the chopped walnuts, sugar, and lemon zest to the pot...

Grate the zest of one medium lemon, using only the yellow part. Add the chopped walnuts, sugar, and lemon zest to the pot after the 10 minutes of cooking. The amount of sugar depends on the acidity of your plums. If your plums are relatively sweet, start with half a kilogram of sugar and adjust to your taste. Stir everything well and cook for another 35 minutes over medium heat, stirring frequently. If you don't want to add any extras like walnuts or zest, the jam will still turn out delicious.

Turn off the heat and let the jam rest for about five minutes. Then, pour in the brandy and stir well. Don't try to smell...

Turn off the heat and let the jam rest for about five minutes. Then, pour in the brandy and stir well. Don't try to smell the aroma immediately while stirring, as you will primarily smell the alcohol evaporating from the hot jam. Don't worry about the small amount of alcohol, as it will mostly evaporate and leave a subtle aroma. Brandy acts as both a flavor enhancer and an additional preservative.

Pour the hot jam into sterilized, dry jars. To sterilize the jars, wash them with baking soda, rinse thoroughly, and...

Pour the hot jam into sterilized, dry jars. To sterilize the jars, wash them with baking soda, rinse thoroughly, and microwave them on full power for 2-3 minutes. Carefully check if the jars are already dry before use. After pouring the jam, do not close or seal the jars immediately. Allow a protective film to form on the surface, which will take about 1-2 hours. Some people leave the jars open for a whole day before sealing, but I prefer to wait no more than two hours. Store the jars in a cool and dry place. If you have a basement or cellar, it's best to keep them there. Enjoy your aromatic jam with a cup of tea during the cold winter. Cheers to a delightful tea time and delicious jam!

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