Pickled Tomatoes

Pickled tomatoes

Resourceful and inventive housewives have long learned how to 'close' the summer in jars - preserve. This is a true art - not just preserving vegetables, but improving their taste with various spices. In addition, canned vegetables and fruits are very beneficial for the human body and do not lag behind fresh ones in terms of vitamin, mineral salt, and sugar content.


  • Total: 40 min
  • Active: 15 min
  • Serves 6
  • 15 kcal / 100g


  • Tomato
    500 g
  • Garlic
    1 clove
  • Bay leaf
    1 piece
  • Allspice
    4 piece
  • Black pepper
    10 piece
  • Mustard
    1 teaspoon
  • Water
    0.5 l
  • Salt
    25 g
  • Sugar
    30 g
  • Vinegar essence
    1.5 teaspoon


Thoroughly wash and sterilize the jars. I do this in the microwave: pour about 2 centimeters of water into clean jars and...

Thoroughly wash and sterilize the jars. I do this in the microwave: pour about 2 centimeters of water into clean jars and microwave them for 3 minutes on high power - this way the water boils and steam sterilizes the jar from the inside. Lately, we have these jars with glass lids in stores - very convenient, sterilizes everything at once. For other jars, lids must be boiled separately for about 10 minutes. For winter pickling, choose quality, firm tomatoes of the same variety and size (preferably small: green, creamy, brown, pink), without any damage - this way they will all pickle evenly and there will be no unpleasant surprises. Here, I made multi-colored cherry tomatoes - it looks even more festive. The amount of ingredients is indicated for a 1-liter jar.

Wash the tomatoes, make small cuts near the stem with a toothpick - this way they won't crack when pouring boiling marinade.

Wash the tomatoes, make small cuts near the stem with a toothpick - this way they won't crack when pouring boiling marinade.

Place garlic cloves on the bottom of sterilized jars, and then fill them up with prepared tomatoes. Pour boiling water...

Place garlic cloves on the bottom of sterilized jars, and then fill them up with prepared tomatoes. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, cover with a lid and let stand for 10 minutes.

In the meantime, let's prepare the marinade. Bring water to a boil with salt, sugar, and spices - black and allspice, bay...

In the meantime, let's prepare the marinade. Bring water to a boil with salt, sugar, and spices - black and allspice, bay leaf, and mustard seeds.

Drain the first water from the jar (we don't need it anymore) and pour in the hot marinade. Let it sit for another 1...

Drain the first water from the jar (we don't need it anymore) and pour in the hot marinade. Let it sit for another 10 minutes. Then pour this marinade back into the pot. Bring it to a boil again. Remove from heat and only then add the vinegar essence - be careful, the marinade can foam up a lot! Pour the marinade into jars and seal tightly. It is best to cool the jars with marinated tomatoes upside down. Store in a cool, dry place.

This triple pouring method of canning without sterilization is quite fast and convenient - it saves a significant amount...

This triple pouring method of canning without sterilization is quite fast and convenient - it saves a significant amount of time. The marinated tomatoes are ready!

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