Fermentation of Ivan-Chai (Cyprus tea)

Fermented Ivan-tea (kipreya)

Ivan-Chai, also known as Cyprus tea or Koporskaya tea, is almost as tasty as regular tea and even more beneficial for health. Therefore, it makes sense to harvest a desired amount of this plant in summer and drink this traditional and ancient beverage occasionally throughout the year. I want to offer two methods of drying Ivan-Chai, which will result in large leaf and granulated variants. Ivan-Chai is great on its own and can also be used in various herbal blends, such as with blackcurrant leaves, lime flowers, mint, etc.


  • Total: 1320 min
  • Active: 60 min
  • Serves 1
  • 150 kcal / 100g


  • Flowers
  • Dehydrator or oven
    1 piece


On a sunny summer day, from June to August, after the dew has dried but before the midday heat begins, gather grass and...

On a sunny summer day, from June to August, after the dew has dried but before the midday heat begins, gather grass and flowers of willow-herb. It is convenient to use scissors to cut the upper leafy and flowering part, and not the root, to avoid killing the plant. For drying, it is better to choose willow-herb growing on forest edges, as the leaves are juicier.

At home, sort the gathered bouquets, remove damaged leaves and insects. Separate the flowers and collect them on a...

At home, sort the gathered bouquets, remove damaged leaves and insects. Separate the flowers and collect them on a separate tray.

It is best to dry the flowers without high temperatures, i.e. in a normal environment, practically at room temperature...

It is best to dry the flowers without high temperatures, i.e. in a normal environment, practically at room temperature. Besides their flavorful qualities, they will also decorate the ready-made brew of willow-herb. Before packing them in boxes or jars, they should be added to both leafy and granulated willow-herb, the dried pretty flowers.

Allow the plant, laid out on the tray in a layer of about 5 cm, to rest in a cool, moist place for about half a day (1...

Allow the plant, laid out on the tray in a layer of about 5 cm, to rest in a cool, moist place for about half a day (12 hours). Then you can proceed to the next stages of preparation.

For both options, the preparation of willow-herb in the initial stages is the same. After their maturation - wilting...

For both options, the preparation of willow-herb in the initial stages is the same. After their maturation - wilting, remove the leaves from the stems.

To obtain fermented large-leaf tea, squeeze the leaves in your fist or roll them between your palms. After such actions...

To obtain fermented large-leaf tea, squeeze the leaves in your fist or roll them between your palms. After such actions, the juice will be released from the leaves and they will change color to dark.

Place the crumpled leaves in a jar or on a baking sheet and cover with a damp towel. Leave them to ferment for about a...

Place the crumpled leaves in a jar or on a baking sheet and cover with a damp towel. Leave them to ferment for about a day, it can be less or more depending on the intensity of taste you want to achieve in the tea.

After fermentation, place the leaves of Ivan-tea on a baking sheet and dry in the oven at 100 degrees Celsius for about...

After fermentation, place the leaves of Ivan-tea on a baking sheet and dry in the oven at 100 degrees Celsius for about an hour, but do not leave the process unattended. The resulting infusion will be liked by those who love green tea. Brew Ivan-tea leaves the same way as you would with black or green loose leaf teas.

To obtain fermented granulated Ivan-tea, simply grind the dried leaves in a meat grinder. Place the resulting green juicy...

To obtain fermented granulated Ivan-tea, simply grind the dried leaves in a meat grinder. Place the resulting green juicy granules in jars or containers, close tightly, and leave for a day for fermentation.

Then you will need to dry the granules in the oven on a baking sheet at 100 degrees Celsius for about an hour, under...

Then you will need to dry the granules in the oven on a baking sheet at 100 degrees Celsius for about an hour, under supervision. Granulated Ivan-tea has a more intense flavor than loose leaf tea and, most importantly, takes up less space! Tea made from this Ivan-tea in the form of dark granules resembles familiar black tea, but with a herbal note, brew it in a similar manner. Enjoy your tea!

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