Zucchini pancakes with tomatoes

Zucchini pancakes with tomatoes

Zucchini pancakes with tomatoes are a great idea for a hearty and satisfying breakfast. You don't need to buy expensive ingredients or spend a lot of time to make them. To make the breakfast even more filling, you can add a little sausage, ham, or boiled meat to the batter.


  • Total: 40 min
  • Active: 30 min
  • Serves 2
  • 86 kcal / 100g


  • Zucchini
    350 g
  • Green onion
    5 spring
  • Dill
    6 spring
  • Sugar
    0.5 teaspoon
  • Salt
    on taste
  • Tomato
    2 piece
  • Chicken egg
    2 piece
  • Garlic
    2 clove
  • Wheat flour
    9 tablespoon
  • Vegetable oil
    on taste


To prepare zucchini pancakes with tomatoes, take zucchini, tomatoes, dill, green onions, sugar, salt, garlic, egg, flour...

To prepare zucchini pancakes with tomatoes, take zucchini, tomatoes, dill, green onions, sugar, salt, garlic, egg, flour, and oil.

Zucchini or courgettes can be used when they are young or more mature. If using larger vegetables, peel them, cut them in...

Zucchini or courgettes can be used when they are young or more mature. If using larger vegetables, peel them, cut them in half lengthwise, and remove the seeds, while the flesh is perfect for making pancakes. Young vegetables do not need to have their peel removed. Grate the prepared zucchini using a large grater. Add a bit of salt and mix. Set aside for 5-7 minutes. During this time, the vegetables will release their juice.

Squeeze out the excess juice from the zucchini and transfer the flesh to a deep bowl. Add the eggs and mix well.

Squeeze out the excess juice from the zucchini and transfer the flesh to a deep bowl. Add the eggs and mix well.

Now it's time to rinse the tomatoes. Buy firm and ripe vegetables. Rinse them and dry. Cut them in half. Remove the green...

Now it's time to rinse the tomatoes. Buy firm and ripe vegetables. Rinse them and dry. Cut them in half. Remove the green part from the stem. Take a teaspoon and scoop out the liquid part. Cut the flesh into small cubes. Add the diced tomatoes to the zucchini and mix.

Rinse the green onions and dill. Shake off any excess moisture. Chop them into medium pieces. Add them to the vegetables...

Rinse the green onions and dill. Shake off any excess moisture. Chop them into medium pieces. Add them to the vegetables and mix.

Sift the flour. Mix it into the dough.

Sift the flour. Mix it into the dough.

Peel the garlic. Grate or chop it. Add it to the vegetables. Sprinkle with spices. Add a little sugar. Mix well. The...

Peel the garlic. Grate or chop it. Add it to the vegetables. Sprinkle with spices. Add a little sugar. Mix well. The zucchini batter is ready.

Heat a frying pan with oil. Spoon the zucchini batter onto the pan. Fry until golden brown.

Heat a frying pan with oil. Spoon the zucchini batter onto the pan. Fry until golden brown.

Transfer to a paper towel to absorb any excess oil. Leave for a couple of minutes.

Transfer to a paper towel to absorb any excess oil. Leave for a couple of minutes.

Zucchini pancakes with tomatoes are ready.

Zucchini pancakes with tomatoes are ready.

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