Water Pancakes

Water pancakes

There are so many different recipes for pancakes, crepes, and pancakes, etc.! I love to experiment often. Every time I want to try something new, something unconventional, but if I want to be sure that everything will work out, I always return to this recipe because this is how my mother used to make pancakes. And we were also taught to bake pancakes according to this recipe in our craft lessons. It is especially relevant when there is no milk in the house or it has soured.


  • Total: 40 min
  • Active: 40 min
  • Serves 6
  • 143 kcal / 100g


  • Water
    1 l
  • Chicken egg
    4 piece
  • Salt
    on taste
  • Wheat flour
    2.5 cup (250ml)
  • Vegetable oil
    4 tablespoon
  • Sugar
    3 tablespoon


To make pancakes with water, we will need a simple set of ingredients.

To make pancakes with water, we will need a simple set of ingredients.

Firstly, we need one liter of water. It should be boiled and cooled. This can be done in advance. In a small bowl, beat...

Firstly, we need one liter of water. It should be boiled and cooled. This can be done in advance. In a small bowl, beat four chicken eggs, whisk them lightly. Add salt and sugar to the eggs, mix again. Now pour one liter of water into a larger bowl, stir in the egg mixture and mix well.

Sift the flour for pancakes on water and constantly stirring, gradually add it to the bowl. Try to avoid lumps, so it is...

Sift the flour for pancakes on water and constantly stirring, gradually add it to the bowl. Try to avoid lumps, so it is very important to stir constantly. Now about the flour. I used 2.5 cups, but this doesn't mean that you will need exactly the same amount of flour. It highly depends on the quality of your flour, grade of eggs, etc. The batter should be more liquid than what we usually make for pancakes. This is why the pancakes turn out thin. Now, the last step is to pour vegetable oil into the batter while constantly stirring with a whisk.

Now let's proceed to the actual cooking of pancakes. For this, it is necessary to heat the frying pan. I have a special...

Now let's proceed to the actual cooking of pancakes. For this, it is necessary to heat the frying pan. I have a special pancake skillet with a non-stick coating, so I don't grease it with vegetable oil. But you should decide based on your situation. I like thin pancakes, so I try to pour as little batter as possible into the skillet, slightly less than half of a ladle. Place the skillet back on the heat and wait until the pancake turns golden brown.

Flip the pancake. I do it with my hands out of habit, but you can flip it with a spatula, knife, fork, etc.

Flip the pancake. I do it with my hands out of habit, but you can flip it with a spatula, knife, fork, etc.

Once the pancake turns golden brown on the other side, remove it from the skillet, place it on a plate, and move on to...

Once the pancake turns golden brown on the other side, remove it from the skillet, place it on a plate, and move on to the next one. Repeat this process until the batter runs out. Now, you can try what we have made, if, of course, the family members don't do it first because they love grabbing hot pancakes from the plate. Pour tea or coffee into cups, slice fruits (in my case, red oranges), any berries, chocolate, condensed milk, or jam will also be suitable, according to your preferences.

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