Mushroom Cold Soup

Mushroom cold soup

During the hot summer months, mushroom cold soup is appropriate for both lunch and dinner. This dish is very filling and will be enjoyed by anyone who loves cold soups.


  • Total: 50 min
  • Active: 30 min
  • Serves 4
  • 56 kcal / 100g


  • Mushrooms
    300 g
  • Chicken fillet
    250 g
  • Cucumber
    200 g
  • Chicken egg
    2 piece
  • Sour cream
    100 g
  • Lemon juice
    2 tablespoon
  • Greens
    50 g
  • Green onion
    50 g
  • Salt
    on taste
  • Black pepper
    on taste
  • Kvass
    on taste


To prepare mushroom cold soup you will need fresh champignon mushrooms, pickled and fresh cucumbers, chicken eggs...

To prepare mushroom cold soup you will need fresh champignon mushrooms, pickled and fresh cucumbers, chicken eggs, chicken meat, sour cream, lemon juice, green onions, herbs to taste, spices, sour cream, and kvass.

To begin, boil the chicken meat. Alternatively, you can use pork, beef, or turkey. Chicken fillet requires less cooking...

To begin, boil the chicken meat. Alternatively, you can use pork, beef, or turkey. Chicken fillet requires less cooking time. Boil until cooked, approximately 20-25 minutes. After cooking, remove from the broth and let it cool well.

Thoroughly wash the mushrooms, inspect each mushroom, and, if desired, remove the skin. Pour cold water and boil until...

Thoroughly wash the mushrooms, inspect each mushroom, and, if desired, remove the skin. Pour cold water and boil until cooked, approximately 15-20 minutes after boiling. Remove the boiled mushrooms from the broth and let them cool.

Cut the pickled cucumbers into small cubes.

Cut the pickled cucumbers into small cubes.

Rinse fresh cucumbers and dry them with a towel. Cut them into small pieces of the same size.

Rinse fresh cucumbers and dry them with a towel. Cut them into small pieces of the same size.

Boil the eggs in salted water. Cool them in cold water, peel and cut them into pieces of the same size.

Boil the eggs in salted water. Cool them in cold water, peel and cut them into pieces of the same size.

Cut the cooled chicken meat into small cubes.

Cut the cooled chicken meat into small cubes.

Take dill, parsley, and green onions. Rinse them, dry with a towel, and finely chop.

Take dill, parsley, and green onions. Rinse them, dry with a towel, and finely chop.

Cut the cooled mushrooms into small pieces.

Cut the cooled mushrooms into small pieces.

Find a suitable container for mixing all the ingredients. Mix them well and place in a cool area to slightly chill the...

Find a suitable container for mixing all the ingredients. Mix them well and place in a cool area to slightly chill the mixture.

Before serving, add sour cream, lemon juice, salt, and ground black pepper. Mix everything together.

Before serving, add sour cream, lemon juice, salt, and ground black pepper. Mix everything together.

Divide the mixture into individual deep bowls and pour cold kvass or kefir over it. Mushroom cold soup is ready. Enjoy...

Divide the mixture into individual deep bowls and pour cold kvass or kefir over it. Mushroom cold soup is ready. Enjoy your meal!

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