Cold Mushroom Soup

Cold mushroom soup

During summer, it is very pleasant to eat cold refreshing soup, like okroshka. A variant with mushrooms, cucumbers, and beets is a worthy alternative to the familiar okroshka. And it has very few calories!


  • Total: 60 min
  • Active: 15 min
  • Serves 8
  • 41 kcal / 100g


  • Potatoes
    150 g
  • Mushrooms
    300 g
  • Vegetable oil
    2 tablespoon
  • Beetroot
    200 g
  • Cucumber
    100 g
  • Green onion
    10 g
  • Dill
    10 g
  • Kvass
    1 l
  • Salt
    on taste


Prepare the ingredients. You can buy ready-made beets or cook them yourself using your favorite method: boiling, baking...

Prepare the ingredients. You can buy ready-made beets or cook them yourself using your favorite method: boiling, baking, or microwaving. Personally, I usually boil a few beets at once and use them in different dishes. Instead of fresh mushrooms, you can take dried ones, soaking them in advance until they swell. Then just slice them. No need to fry them. It will be very aromatic with dried mushrooms! You can use any herbs to your taste.

Boil the potatoes in their skins. To do this, rinse them well, fill them with water, lightly salt the water. Bring to a...

Boil the potatoes in their skins. To do this, rinse them well, fill them with water, lightly salt the water. Bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes. Check for doneness by pricking with a fork. If the fork goes in easily, the potatoes are ready. Drain the water and let the potatoes cool. You can always boil the potatoes in advance.

Slice the mushrooms and place them in a preheated skillet with some oil for frying. To ensure that the mushrooms are well...

Slice the mushrooms and place them in a preheated skillet with some oil for frying. To ensure that the mushrooms are well browned, you don't need to constantly stir them, just occasionally to ensure even cooking. Season the cooked mushrooms with salt and pepper and let them cool. For extra flavor, you can crush a clove of garlic into the hot mushrooms - it will be really delicious.

Peel the beets. Dice all the cucumbers and beets and put them in a pot, which will be used to store the soup later.

Peel the beets. Dice all the cucumbers and beets and put them in a pot, which will be used to store the soup later.

Wash and slightly dry the herbs, you can use paper towels for this. Chop the herbs and place them in a saucepan.

Wash and slightly dry the herbs, you can use paper towels for this. Chop the herbs and place them in a saucepan.

Add cooled mushrooms and diced potatoes to the saucepan. Pour kvass over everything and mix. Taste and adjust the...

Add cooled mushrooms and diced potatoes to the saucepan. Pour kvass over everything and mix. Taste and adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper. If it lacks acidity, you can add a little lemon juice.

Cold mushroom soup

You can let the soup steep in the refrigerator, then the flavor will be even more intense. But you can also serve it immediately. Divide the soup into bowls. Enjoy your meal!

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