Cold yogurt soup

Cold yogurt soup

This refreshing and light soup is something in between okroshka, cucumber soup, and tarator. And, as often happens, on a hot day you don't really crave for heavy and hot dishes, and this soup is just what you need. It will cool you down, satisfy your body and, of course, please your taste buds.


  • Total: 20 min
  • Active: 20 min
  • Serves 6
  • 58 kcal / 100g


  • Yogurt
    700 ml
  • Cucumber
    3 piece
  • Radish
    6 piece
  • Chicken egg
    2 piece
  • Green onion
    10 g
  • Dill
    10 g
  • Garlic
    2 piece
  • Lemon juice
    1 teaspoon
  • Salt
    on taste
  • Black pepper
    on taste
  • Mineral water
  • Mint
    1 spring


The base of the soup consists of vegetables and plain yogurt. If you feel like there are not enough cucumbers, radishes...

The base of the soup consists of vegetables and plain yogurt. If you feel like there are not enough cucumbers, radishes, and eggs in the yogurt soup, don't be disappointed. In the end, everything is harmonious enough, and for full enjoyment and a vibrant taste, just a couple of touches are missing, but more on that later. Cold yogurt soup is usually made in spring and summer, when greenhouse or garden cucumbers are available. You don't need to peel the skin off small cucumbers. But if you buy long and large imported cucumbers, it's better to get rid of the thick skin. The taste of the soup will be better, more delicate. Grate the cucumbers using a grater, specifically using the large side of it.

Do the same with the radishes, that is, grate them using a grater, after washing the vegetables and removing the stems.

Do the same with the radishes, that is, grate them using a grater, after washing the vegetables and removing the stems.

For the eggs, you can use either homemade or store-bought ones (I prefer the former). Boil them hard-cooked. I believe...

For the eggs, you can use either homemade or store-bought ones (I prefer the former). Boil them hard-cooked. I believe everyone knows how to do it. And if not, it won't hurt to remind: carefully place the eggs on a spoon and place them in boiling water, then forget about them for exactly 10 minutes. Medium heat, gentle boiling. After the time has passed, pour the hot water into the sink and pour cold water over the eggs. Let the eggs cool. Peel them. Grate one egg, just like the cucumber and radish. And save the second one for garnishing.

Finely chop the herbs, namely onion, dill, and young garlic, with a knife. If desired, you can crush the onion and garlic...

Finely chop the herbs, namely onion, dill, and young garlic, with a knife. If desired, you can crush the onion and garlic in a mortar to extract more juice and give the soup maximum aroma.

Put all the chopped vegetables, including the herbs, in a large saucepan.

Put all the chopped vegetables, including the herbs, in a large saucepan.

Pour plain yogurt without any additives or flavorings. Adjust the consistency to your liking. If the yogurt seems too...

Pour plain yogurt without any additives or flavorings. Adjust the consistency to your liking. If the yogurt seems too thick, you can dilute it with carbonated mineral water (bubbles are not superfluous) or chicken broth. My yogurt was slightly thicker than good kefir, so I didn't dilute it with anything. And there's no need to add too much liquid. After all, the soup doesn't have any meat or potatoes, and the thickness of the yogurt compensates for the absence of these ingredients.

Season the cold soup with salt, pepper, and lemon juice to taste. Taste the soup to adjust the acidity and saltiness, and...

Season the cold soup with salt, pepper, and lemon juice to taste. Taste the soup to adjust the acidity and saltiness, and bring it to your desired flavor.

This soup must be chilled in the refrigerator. 2-3 hours should be enough. Divide the soup into glasses or plates and...

This soup must be chilled in the refrigerator. 2-3 hours should be enough. Divide the soup into glasses or plates and garnish as desired. I have an absolutely amazing flavor addition for the soup - mint leaves. Yes, mint. It will make your soup even fresher and more aromatic. And of course, I suggest a more traditional way of serving - half or 1/4 boiled egg and a sprig of dill. Enjoy your meal!

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