Cake Decoration with Fruits

Cake decoration with fruits

The sweet table is often the highlight of any celebration, and the centerpiece is always a cake - how can it be otherwise?! And when it's a homemade cake, prepared with love and beautifully decorated, compliments to the hospitable hostess are inevitable!


  • Total: 25 min
  • Active: 25 min
  • Serves 24
  • 40 kcal / 100g


  • Fruits
    on taste
  • Berry assortment
    on taste
  • Gelling mixture
    1 packet


For decorating the cake with fruits, any seasonal berries and fruits will do - both fresh and canned, or frozen. You can...

For decorating the cake with fruits, any seasonal berries and fruits will do - both fresh and canned, or frozen. You can choose them in one color palette or different colors and sizes - here, your imagination has a wide range of possibilities for original solutions. Today, I will show you a few techniques for decorating a cake with fruits. But first, the fruits need to be prepared. Firstly, (especially in the summer period), choose very fresh and beautiful ones. Secondly, if there are pits (such as cherries, grapes ...), remove them, if there is skin (citrus fruits, kiwi ...), carefully cut it off. Thirdly, (some bulky objects) cut them according to your discretion and the chosen method of decoration - slices, slices ...

The first method, as I call it, is sectoral. For this, divide the surface of the cake into the desired number of sectors...

The first method, as I call it, is sectoral. For this, divide the surface of the cake into the desired number of sectors and...

... place specific fruits and berries of different colors or shapes beautifully on each one... Then you can decorate the...

... place specific fruits and berries of different colors or shapes beautifully on each one... Then you can decorate the boundaries of the sectors with cream or sprinkle with nuts, for example... i.e., give it a finished look. This method is good because in case someone has an intolerance to a particular ingredient (such as an allergic reaction, for example), they will get a piece of cake with a safe treat.

The second method is laying out a pattern or ornament. In this case, everything is arranged in a circle, following the...

The second method is laying out a pattern or ornament. In this case, everything is arranged in a circle, following the contrast in color and texture of the chosen material.

Now, in the third option - my favorite - everything is arranged in a chaotic order. This method is the simplest...

Now, in the third option - my favorite - everything is arranged in a chaotic order. This method is the simplest, requiring no special effort or skill in decoration. After all, the variety of fruits and berries easily conveys the elegance and juiciness of the chosen decoration.

If you decorate the cake right before serving, you don't have to worry much about the freshness of the fruits. But if you...

If you decorate the cake right before serving, you don't have to worry much about the freshness of the fruits. But if you have prepared the decorations in advance, you still need to take care of the cake's appearance by covering the fruit and berry layer with a gelling compound. It is very convenient to use specially designed semi-finished products, such as those from Dr. Oetker. This glaze is simply perfect, suitable for any fruits and solidifies almost instantly, which is very convenient.

You can also use regular jelly, but there are some limitations. It is important to remember that when using this pouring...

You can also use regular jelly, but there are some limitations. It is important to remember that when using this pouring method, you should not choose kiwi and fresh pineapple for decoration - the jelly will not set around them! It's because they contain special enzymes that break down the gelatin. Well, that's probably all... maybe it turned out to be a very short story about the main ways to decorate a cake with fruits and berries... And I wish you creative inspiration and sweet compliments!

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