Beetroot Pancakes

Beetroot pancakes

If you haven't tried beetroot pancakes yet, it's the perfect time to make them and give them a try. The recipe is very simple, and the pancakes turn out thin, delicious, and vibrant. To make them, you will need beetroot juice, which can be prepared in advance and stored in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator for up to two days.


  • Total: 40 min
  • Active: 30 min
  • Serves 4
  • 219 kcal / 100g


  • Milk
    250 ml
  • Juice
    100 ml
  • Salt
    1 teaspoon
  • Sugar
    3 tablespoon
  • Sunflower oil
    5 tablespoon
  • Chicken egg
    2 piece
  • Wheat flour
    150 g


To prepare beet pancakes, you will need milk, beet juice, salt, sugar, sunflower oil, chicken eggs, and wheat flour. To...

To prepare beet pancakes, you will need milk, beet juice, salt, sugar, sunflower oil, chicken eggs, and wheat flour. To make beet juice, you need to peel the root vegetable, grate it finely or medium, and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. This can also be done with baked beets.

Rinse the chicken eggs with warm water and dry them with a paper towel before using. Crack the eggs into a deep bowl. Add...

Rinse the chicken eggs with warm water and dry them with a paper towel before using. Crack the eggs into a deep bowl. Add salt and sugar. The amount of sugar can be adjusted to taste. Beat with a mixer until smooth.

Pour any fat content milk into the egg mixture. Instead of milk, you can use regular cold boiled water. Mix with a mixer...

Pour any fat content milk into the egg mixture. Instead of milk, you can use regular cold boiled water. Mix with a mixer or whisk.

Pour the beet juice and vegetable oil. Mix again. To achieve a more intense color, you can increase the amount of juice...

Pour the beet juice and vegetable oil. Mix again. To achieve a more intense color, you can increase the amount of juice, which will also increase the amount of flour added later.

Sift the flour through a fine sieve. Add it to the liquid ingredients. Mix well. It is recommended to use a mixer at this...

Sift the flour through a fine sieve. Add it to the liquid ingredients. Mix well. It is recommended to use a mixer at this step to ensure that all lumps are well dissolved and the batter becomes homogeneous.

Heat a skillet over high heat. Grease it with a small amount of vegetable oil. Pour a small portion of the beet batter in...

Heat a skillet over high heat. Grease it with a small amount of vegetable oil. Pour a small portion of the beet batter in the center and quickly distribute it evenly over the bottom using circular motions. Fry over medium heat until lightly browned on both sides.

Serve the beet pancakes immediately after frying with your favorite sweet sauce or sour cream.

Serve the beet pancakes immediately after frying with your favorite sweet sauce or sour cream.

Enjoy your tea time!

Enjoy your tea time!

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