Cheese pancakes with herbs

Cheese pancakes with herbs

For these cheese pancakes with herbs, it is better to use dill, parsley, and green onions. Frozen herbs can also be used. You can use any type of cheese, even leftover pieces of different varieties. It is best to serve them with sour cream.


  • Total: 35 min
  • Active: 35 min
  • Serves 4
  • 169 kcal / 100g


  • Milk
    500 g
  • Semi-hard cheese
    200 g
  • Chicken egg
    2 piece
  • Wheat flour
    200 g
  • Greens
    9 tablespoon
  • Dough conditioner
    1 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil
    3 tablespoon
  • Salt
    2 pinch
  • Sugar
    1 teaspoon
  • Sour cream


Rinse the herbs for cheese pancakes, remove the tough stems. If the dill is young, you can also chop the stems. I didn't...

Rinse the herbs for cheese pancakes, remove the tough stems. If the dill is young, you can also chop the stems. I didn't have fresh dill on hand, so I substituted it with fresh-frozen from last year.

Use a classic, semi-hard cheese for the dough, the most common and simple variety. You can also use any remaining pieces...

Use a classic, semi-hard cheese for the dough, the most common and simple variety. You can also use any remaining pieces of different types of cheese and mix them together. Grate the cheese for the dough on a fine grater. Sift wheat flour with a leavening agent into a bowl, add 2 medium eggs, salt, sugar, half of the milk, and mix vigorously to avoid lumps. Then add the remaining milk and mix again. Finally, add the cheese and all the chopped herbs.

Once again, mix well. Place a frying pan on the fire. You can pour vegetable oil directly into the dough or add it...

Once again, mix well. Place a frying pan on the fire. You can pour vegetable oil directly into the dough or add it gradually to the pan. In this case, there should not be much oil, otherwise the pancake will not spread nicely and will start to move around the pan. Make sure to fry on a preheated pan!

Fry all the cheese pancakes with herbs until golden brown on both sides.

Fry all the cheese pancakes with herbs until golden brown on both sides.

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