Brussels Sprouts Puree Soup

Brussels sprouts puree soup

Today I will show you a very simple and tasty Brussels sprouts puree soup, which requires a minimum of effort and ingredients.


  • Total: 30 min
  • Active: 20 min
  • Serves 3
  • 23 kcal / 100g


  • Brussels sprouts
    500 g
  • Potatoes
    2 piece
  • Cream
    100 ml
  • White onion
    1 piece
  • Salt
    2 pinch
  • Allspice
    2 pinch
  • Goat cheese
    10 g
  • Sesame
  • Water
    1.5 l


Wash and peel the Brussels sprouts, removing any outer leaves that look unappealing. Take about 5 leaves and trim off any...

Wash and peel the Brussels sprouts, removing any outer leaves that look unappealing. Take about 5 leaves and trim off any blemishes, leaving behind small, light green clean heads. Cut each head in half, rinse again, and set aside. The longest preparation phase is now finished.

Peel and finely chop the onion. Peel and dice the potatoes. Melt a piece of butter in a pot or pan, add the onion.

Peel and finely chop the onion. Peel and dice the potatoes. Melt a piece of butter in a pot or pan, add the onion.

Add the washed and sliced cabbage to the onion.

Add the washed and sliced cabbage to the onion.

Add the potatoes to the onion and cabbage. Sauté all the vegetables together over low heat until evenly browned, stirring...

Add the potatoes to the onion and cabbage. Sauté all the vegetables together over low heat until evenly browned, stirring constantly for about 5 - 10 minutes. Keep an eye on it: the taste of burnt vegetables will not benefit the soup.

Pour enough water over the vegetables to cover them completely. I often boil water in an electric kettle and pour hot...

Pour enough water over the vegetables to cover them completely. I often boil water in an electric kettle and pour hot water over the vegetables. You can also dilute a bouillon cube in hot water or use any prepared broth. Bring to a boil and cook until the Brussels sprouts and potato pieces are tender. Season with salt and pepper, and optionally add other spices to taste.

I puree the soup before serving, not immediately after cooking. If the soup is too thick, you can confidently add boiling...

I puree the soup before serving, not immediately after cooking. If the soup is too thick, you can confidently add boiling water or broth, mixing well with a blender or ladle until you reach the desired consistency. If desired, you can set aside a few Brussels sprouts heads to garnish the soup in the bowl. For a smoother taste, you can add cream to the bowl or pot while pureeing. I garnish with lightly toasted sesame seeds, but you can also use herbs. Additionally, you can add small pieces of soft French cheeses, such as cubes of soft goat cheese, or blue cheese - Roquefort, when serving this soup. The soup has a distinct Brussels sprouts flavor. You can soften the taste not only with cream, but also by increasing the amount of potato in the soup. Enjoy!

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