Cottage Cheese Cake with Peaches and Blueberries Cooking Time: 90 min 184 kcal / 100g During the summer season, it's important to seize the moment and enjoy seasonal berries and fruits. If you...Mia Walker4.8 out of 5 Start cooking
No-bake cheesecake with cranberries and chocolate Cooking Time: 60 min 279 kcal / 100g Preparing a no-bake cheesecake with cranberries and chocolate is very simple. The cake is made from...Mia Walker5.0 out of 5 Start cooking
Strawberry cheesecake Cooking Time: 300 min 183 kcal / 100g I have to admit honestly - I don't like cheesecakes. But for this cake, I always make an exception...Mia Walker4.9 out of 5 Start cooking