Yogurt in a multicooker

Yogurt in a slow cooker

I used to not like yogurt. Store bought, with lots of sugar, countless food additives and questionable benefits for the body. We didn't buy yogurt and we didn't drink it. Until we got a multicooker with a yogurt making function in our family.


  • Total: 500 min
  • Active: 20 min
  • Serves 8
  • 60 kcal / 100g


  • Milk
    2 l
  • Starter
    1 packet


Let's talk about starters. If you are cooking yogurt in a multicooker for the first time, it is better to go to the...

Let's talk about starters. If you are cooking yogurt in a multicooker for the first time, it is better to go to the nearest pharmacy and buy a starter there. In my pharmacy, they only sell Evitaliya starter, which I highly recommend - all the natural microorganisms are listed in the instructions for use, and yogurts made with it turn out very thick and delicious. As an alternative, you can use ready-made natural yogurt from the store as a starter - but I avoid them because I don't trust the composition despite their naturalness. If you get a taste for it and want to try different options, then try ordering a starter online - Yandex will give you several online stores that sell a variety of starters. I even started ordering starters from America because they were significantly cheaper than the domestic ones. However, we didn't really like the taste - the American yogurts turned out to be a bit sour, so after some time we switched back to Russian products. Cooking yogurt in a multicooker is much easier than in a yogurt maker! Especially if you have a multipurpose mode that allows you to set the desired temperature and cooking time. I'm lucky to have such a mode, so to start with, I will explain how to make yogurt in such an advanced multicooker. Pour milk into the multicooker bowl. I usually take 2 liters of milk, Evitaliya is designed exactly for this amount, and other starters ferment this amount perfectly. In multipurpose mode, set the temperature to 40°C and the cooking time to 15 minutes. During this time, the milk will definitely heat up to 40°C, the temperature at which lactic acid bacteria begin to multiply.

If you don't have a multipurpose mode, you will have to spend a bit more time. Heat the required amount of milk in a...

If you don't have a multipurpose mode, you will have to spend a bit more time. Heat the required amount of milk in a saucepan. In two ways. For the more cautious, bring the milk to a boil and then cool it to 40°C. For the bolder ones, heat it directly to 40°C. If you are using pasteurized store-bought milk (or ultra-pasteurized), there is nothing to worry about and boiling it is not necessary. However, if you prefer rustic milk, it must be boiled for a few minutes. I have a thermometer, if you don't, try it by touch - the milk should be warm, not hot. The desired working temperature is 38-45°C, if it is lower or higher, lactic acid bacteria will die. Pour the milk of the desired temperature into the multicooker bowl.

After heating the milk to the desired temperature, pour a little bit into a glass (about 100ml) and dissolve the starter...

After heating the milk to the desired temperature, pour a little bit into a glass (about 100ml) and dissolve the starter in it. Mix well. Pour the dissolved starter into the milk in the bowl and stir. I have become so daring that I sprinkle the starter directly into the yogurt maker without dissolving it beforehand in milk. I just mix the future yogurt a little more thoroughly.

Close the lid of the appliance and start the yogurt mode. The standard cooking time in this mode is 8 hours. Start the...

Close the lid of the appliance and start the yogurt mode. The standard cooking time in this mode is 8 hours. Start the yogurt overnight - and in the morning, you can indulge in this delicious and healthy product. However, before consumption, the yogurt needs to be stirred again (preferably with a whisk to avoid lumps) and cooled in the refrigerator for at least one hour. Then it will become completely homogeneous, thick, and dense. Just what we need. It is recommended to consume natural (fresh!) yogurt on an empty stomach, before breakfast. In this case, it will have the best effect on our body, especially on the digestive system. See how simple it is! And the multicooker once again proves that it is the best workhorse in the kitchen, capable of replacing several appliances (in this case - a yogurt maker).

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