Wheat porridge with milk in a multicooker

Wheat porridge with milk in a multicooker

Wheat porridge with milk cooked in a multicooker is an unusual, not very popular, but actually very tasty, hearty and healthy breakfast. In this recipe, the wheat groats are not bitter. When cooked correctly, this porridge will undoubtedly be enjoyed by both adults and children. For a sweet variation, I recommend adding fresh berries or fruits. My choice during the season is my favorite strawberries.


  • Total: 27 min
  • Active: 7 min
  • Serves 2
  • 119 kcal / 100g


  • Millet
    60 g
  • Milk
    240 ml
  • Water
    60 ml
  • Butter
    30 g
  • Strawberry
    150 g
  • Sugar
    2 teaspoon
  • Salt
    1 pinch


Prepare all the necessary ingredients for cooking wheat porridge on milk in a slow cooker. Sort the cereal from visible...

Prepare all the necessary ingredients for cooking wheat porridge on milk in a slow cooker. Sort the cereal from visible debris, and wash and dry strawberries or any other berries thoroughly.

Boil water in a kettle. Start by pouring the cereal with cold water and collecting any floating debris. Rinse the wheat...

Boil water in a kettle. Start by pouring the cereal with cold water and collecting any floating debris. Rinse the wheat several times with cold water until it becomes clear. Then pour boiling water over the cereal, let it stand for a couple of minutes, and then rinse with cold water twice more. The grains of wheat porridge are covered with their natural bitter film - fat, which is released during storage of the cereal, which is why many people do not like to cook it. However, by rinsing the porridge with boiling water, we will get rid of this bitterness as much as possible and thus achieve a more pleasant and delicate taste of our dish, so do not neglect this cooking step. Another equally important component in this recipe will be the choice of fresh grain, as the longer it is stored, the more fat it releases, and consequently, the more bitter the taste of the cooked wheat porridge on milk will be.

Grease the slow cooker bowl with a small piece of butter, pour in the thoroughly rinsed cereal, sprinkle with sugar and...

Grease the slow cooker bowl with a small piece of butter, pour in the thoroughly rinsed cereal, sprinkle with sugar and salt, and then pour in water and/or milk. By the way, at this stage, you can add raw pumpkin to the porridge (instead of fresh fruits later), the cooking time will be enough for it to be fully cooked and tender. You can experiment here, but the main thing is to maintain the ratio of porridge to liquid - 1 to 5 (minimum 1 to 4, but the porridge will be thicker), so the porridge will have the perfect consistency. If you use less than four portions of liquid, the porridge will be dry and tough, that is, undercooked. You can confidently change the rest - the proportion of water and milk (increase one and decrease the other, or completely replace one with the other), replace sugar with a couple of pinches of salt to get a salty breakfast, or remove sugar altogether and drizzle the porridge with honey when serving.

Place the bowl in the slow cooker, close the lid, select the Milk Porridge cooking mode, and choose a high cooking time...

Place the bowl in the slow cooker, close the lid, select the Milk Porridge cooking mode, and choose a high cooking time depending on the model of your slow cooker (mine is 10 minutes) and cook until the audible signal indicates the end of the program.

Open the slow cooker lid after cooking, add the remaining piece of butter, stir the porridge, and close the slow cooker...

Open the slow cooker lid after cooking, add the remaining piece of butter, stir the porridge, and close the slow cooker lid, leaving the slow cooker in the keep warm mode for the same amount of time. You can cook wheat porridge on milk in a slow cooker for several days at once, proportionally increasing the ingredients to get the desired number of servings. But on the next day, before reheating the porridge, you need to pour a little milk into it and put a small piece of butter. This will refresh the porridge and make it more moist, as it may absorb all the liquid while standing in the refrigerator overnight.

Before serving, complement the sweet wheat porridge with fresh berries, fruits, dried fruits, or jam - use your...

Before serving, complement the sweet wheat porridge with fresh berries, fruits, dried fruits, or jam - use your imagination. And if you suddenly decide to make savory wheat porridge, you can add hard cheese to it during cooking or sprinkle it with cheese and fresh herbs when serving. The wheat porridge in the multicooker with milk is ready. Enjoy your meal!

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