Vegan Mayonnaise

Lenten mayonnaise

This is an easy recipe for making vegan mayonnaise. It is quickly made from the most accessible and simple ingredients, and you can "play" with flavors - depending on your gastronomic preferences.


  • Total: 30 min
  • Active: 10 min
  • Serves 4
  • 253 kcal / 100g


  • Water
    0.5 cup (250ml)
  • Wheat flour
    0.5 cup (250ml)
  • Lemon juice
    1 tablespoon
  • Salt
    1 teaspoon
  • Mustard
    1 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil
    4 tablespoon
  • Sugar
    0.5 teaspoon
  • Greens
  • Black pepper


When preparing this vegan mayonnaise, you can adjust the amount of sugar, lemon juice, salt, and choose the type of...

When preparing this vegan mayonnaise, you can adjust the amount of sugar, lemon juice, salt, and choose the type of vegetable oil according to your taste.

Pour cold water into a saucepan, add flour and mix everything thoroughly with a whisk until lumps disappear.

Pour cold water into a saucepan, add flour and mix everything thoroughly with a whisk until lumps disappear.

Over low heat, bring the flour mixture to a boil, stirring constantly with a whisk. Cook for one to two minutes until the...

Over low heat, bring the flour mixture to a boil, stirring constantly with a whisk. Cook for one to two minutes until the flour mixture thickens, then remove the saucepan from the heat.

Add mustard, lemon juice, salt, sugar, and ground black pepper (or any other desired spice) to the warm flour mixture...

Add mustard, lemon juice, salt, sugar, and ground black pepper (or any other desired spice) to the warm flour mixture. Mix everything together and let it cool completely.

Transfer the mixture to a blending cup, add one to two tablespoons of chosen vegetable oil, and start blending with an...

Transfer the mixture to a blending cup, add one to two tablespoons of chosen vegetable oil, and start blending with an immersion blender.

During the blending process, add two more tablespoons of vegetable oil. With this amount of oil, the mayonnaise will be...

During the blending process, add two more tablespoons of vegetable oil. With this amount of oil, the mayonnaise will be thick. However, if you prefer a more liquid sauce, you can increase the amount of vegetable oil, but make sure to add it gradually, one tablespoon at a time, while blending the mayonnaise to prevent the sauce from separating. The fasting mayonnaise is ready.

To diversify the taste of lean mayonnaise, you can add finely chopped herbs, spices, or minced garlic to the finished...

To diversify the taste of lean mayonnaise, you can add finely chopped herbs, spices, or minced garlic to the finished product. Enjoy your meal and have an easy fast!

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