Potato patties with cottage cheese filling, just like in kindergarten

Potato pastries with cottage cheese filling like in a kindergarten

Potato patties with cottage cheese filling, prepared just like in kindergarten, turn out tender and satisfying. In this case, the patties are prepared with a sweet filling and are best served with a cup of tea. However, if desired, you can add salt and fresh herbs to the filling instead of sugar, resulting in wonderful patties that can be served on their own or as a complement to main dishes.


  • Total: 50 min
  • Active: 15 min
  • Serves 6
  • 123 kcal / 100g


  • Potatoes
    372 g
  • Egg
    30 g
  • Flour
    11 g
  • Cottage cheese
    110 g
  • Sugar
    11 g
  • Butter
    11 g


Potato pastries with cottage cheese filling as in kindergarten - technological card №268.

Potato pastries with cottage cheese filling as in kindergarten - technological card №268.

Since the recipe does not mention anything about margarine (in this case, I replaced it with butter), you can either add...

Since the recipe does not mention anything about margarine (in this case, I replaced it with butter), you can either add it to the mashed potatoes (as I did), or, for example, use it to grease the ready-made pastries after baking or add it to the filling.

Peel the potatoes (about 4-5 medium-sized ones), cut them into 4-6 parts, pour water in a level with the potatoes, and...

Peel the potatoes (about 4-5 medium-sized ones), cut them into 4-6 parts, pour water in a level with the potatoes, and boil until tender. Drain all the water and simmer over low heat until the remaining water evaporates. Add butter and mash, let it cool.

Crack a small egg into a separate container, beat it, and add 2/3 of its volume to the pan with the mashed potatoes when...

Crack a small egg into a separate container, beat it, and add 2/3 of its volume to the pan with the mashed potatoes when it cools to 40-50 degrees Celsius (you can check by touch, the mixture should not be scalding). Also, add flour and mix with a potato masher or spoon.

The potato mixture should be soft yet pliable.

The potato mixture should be soft yet pliable.

For the filling, mash the cottage cheese with sugar.

For the filling, mash the cottage cheese with sugar.

From the potato mixture, first roll 6 balls, flatten them and make a recess in each. It is most convenient to do this...

From the potato mixture, first roll 6 balls, flatten them and make a recess in each. It is most convenient to do this with a regular glass, the bottom of which needs to be dipped in vegetable oil so that the dough does not stick to the glass, but if desired, you can do all the manipulations with a spoon.

Fill the recess with the filling. Grease the potato pies with cottage cheese filling with the remaining egg (I only...

Fill the recess with the filling. Grease the potato pies with cottage cheese filling with the remaining egg (I only greased the potato base so that the cottage cheese would brown less, but if desired, you can grease it completely).

Bake the potato pies with cottage cheese filling at 180-200 C for about 20 minutes or until they are golden brown.

Bake the potato pies with cottage cheese filling at 180-200 C for about 20 minutes or until they are golden brown.

Allow the potato pies with cottage cheese filling to cool slightly, like in a kindergarten, and serve. Enjoy your meal!

Allow the potato pies with cottage cheese filling to cool slightly, like in a kindergarten, and serve. Enjoy your meal!

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