Peach Salsa

Peach salsa

Do you love fusion cuisine - experiments that combine seemingly incompatible ingredients? Try this peach salsa: peach, cilantro, pepper, ginger - all these ingredients will turn into an interesting dish, a perfect addition, for example, to grilled chicken breast. Let me tell you a secret: I am a fan of all kinds of salsas, and I will definitely introduce you to their varieties, of which there are many.


  • Total: 20 min
  • Active: 20 min
  • Serves 3
  • 40 kcal / 100g


  • Peach
    4 piece
  • Red bell pepper
    100 g
  • Red onion
    70 g
  • Ginger
    0.5 teaspoon
  • Cilantro
    1 tablespoon
  • Chili pepper
    1 teaspoon
  • Lemon juice
    2 tablespoon
  • Lemon zest
    0.5 teaspoon
  • Salt
    on taste
  • Sugar


To make peach salsa, you will need 4 ripe but not overly soft medium-sized peaches, approximately half of a red bell...

To make peach salsa, you will need 4 ripe but not overly soft medium-sized peaches, approximately half of a red bell pepper, a small red onion, freshly squeezed lemon juice, and approximately half of its zest. In my opinion, cilantro is essential and irreplaceable here (by the way, I have it freshly frozen). Of course, you can substitute it with parsley, but the taste will suffer. However, if you don't like cilantro, you can replace it with parsley. Ginger and chili pepper are also frozen for me. I always peel the ginger root before freezing. It's very convenient - to take out, grate as much as you need, and put it back in the freezer.

Peel the peaches and red onion and cut them into small cubes. Some varieties of peaches can be easily peeled without any...

Peel the peaches and red onion and cut them into small cubes. Some varieties of peaches can be easily peeled without any extra effort. If you encounter difficulties, you should briefly immerse the peaches in boiling water, then in cold water, and only then remove the skin.

Remove the seeds from the chili pepper and finely chop it. You can replace it with a pinch of dried chili powder. If you...

Remove the seeds from the chili pepper and finely chop it. You can replace it with a pinch of dried chili powder. If you are not a fan of spicy dishes, use less pepper. Don't forget that ginger also adds spiciness. I have provided the amount of ingredients that fully satisfies my own taste. Grate the ginger root on a grater. Cut the sweet pepper into small cubes.

Almost all the ingredients are ready - now it's time to mix everything and season. In a bowl, combine the diced peaches...

Almost all the ingredients are ready - now it's time to mix everything and season. In a bowl, combine the diced peaches, red onion, both types of pepper, ginger, finely chopped cilantro, and a little lemon zest on top. Add lemon juice, salt, sugar, and mix everything together. Salt and sugar should be added to taste. If the peach is very sweet, you may not need any sugar at all. My salsa required 2 pinches of salt and the same amount of sugar. Taste and adjust accordingly. The salsa should be quite spicy and vibrant in taste, and also visually appealing.

I always make this salsa specifically for chicken breast. In my opinion, chicken and peach are simply made for each...

I always make this salsa specifically for chicken breast. In my opinion, chicken and peach are simply made for each other. Enjoy your meal!

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