Layered salad with pickled mushrooms

Layered salad with pickled mushrooms

As New Year celebrations approach, we often think about various recipes for the festive table - what new, unusual and interesting dish to prepare to surprise our guests and family members.


  • Total: 160 min
  • Active: 30 min
  • Serves 12
  • 221 kcal / 100g


  • Mushrooms
    300 g
  • Potatoes
    2 piece
  • Onion
    1 piece
  • Beef
    250 g
  • Carrots
    1 piece
  • Chicken egg
    2 piece
  • Semi-hard cheese
    100 g
  • Mayonnaise
    200 g
  • Vegetable oil
    3 tablespoon


Layered salads are like salad cakes, with different colored layers and unusual ingredient combinations, creating an...

Layered salads are like salad cakes, with different colored layers and unusual ingredient combinations, creating an original taste. In addition, it is recommended to prepare layered salads in advance so that the layers have time to soak in the dressing. This is very convenient and saves time for the hostess during the holiday rush. Now, let's talk about the salad I want to offer you today - it is amazingly delicious, absolutely unknown, made from simple and accessible ingredients, but with a twist. My husband simply adores it. It is prepared fairly quickly, you just need to prepare its components in advance. The recipe indicates the required quantity for a large salad bowl. So, let's go step by step. First, you need to boil a good piece of beef. Since we want juicy meat for the salad rather than a rich broth, we will cook it using the following method: bring the water to a boil and then add the meat. Next, remove the foam that appears, add an onion bulb and carrots, salt, and cook on low heat until done. Once cooked, remove the meat and let it cool, and then cut it into small pieces. Overall, we get double benefit here - we can make an excellent soup from the broth we obtained, and the remaining meat will also be useful for other dishes.

Boil the potatoes with the skin on, and when they cool down, grate them using a large grater.

Boil the potatoes with the skin on, and when they cool down, grate them using a large grater.

Boil the eggs until hard-boiled. Once they cool down, grate them using a large grater as well.

Boil the eggs until hard-boiled. Once they cool down, grate them using a large grater as well.

Peel and wash the onion. Cut it into small pieces and fry until translucent golden color in well-heated vegetable oil...

Peel and wash the onion. Cut it into small pieces and fry until translucent golden color in well-heated vegetable oil. Let it cool.

Peel and wash the carrots. Grate them using a fine grater.

Peel and wash the carrots. Grate them using a fine grater.

Grate a piece of fermented cheese (any favorite) on a fine grater.

Grate a piece of fermented cheese (any favorite) on a fine grater.

Now let's talk about the main ingredient - salted (or pickled) mushrooms. Drain off any excess liquid by placing the...

Now let's talk about the main ingredient - salted (or pickled) mushrooms. Drain off any excess liquid by placing the mushrooms on a sieve. These mushrooms are already a delicious appetizer on their own and a tasty addition to any dish. And in this combination of ingredients, their unique flavor amazingly complements the beef, fried onions, and fresh carrots. The salad is very tasty and filling. It can be served not only for a holiday but also as an everyday dish. If you don't have salted mushrooms for some reason, you can easily use marinated ones... but I have to say, the salted ones are much tastier! I try to put a few jars of salted mushrooms every year specifically for making this salad. This will definitely please your taste buds!

Now let's assemble the layered salad - it can be served in a large transparent salad bowl (to observe its layers) or in...

Now let's assemble the layered salad - it can be served in a large transparent salad bowl (to observe its layers) or in individual glasses... the latter might even be more interesting and festive. We will layer the ingredients with simple mayonnaise. Begin by placing a layer of salted mushrooms at the bottom of the chosen dish and spread mayonnaise on top. Then add a layer of grated potatoes and fried onions, spread with mayonnaise. Next comes the meat layer + mayonnaise. Now it's time for juicy, vibrant grated carrots, followed by another layer of mayonnaise. Then add the grated eggs and a little more mayonnaise. Finally, sprinkle grated cheese on top. To prevent the cheese from drying out, cover the salad bowl with plastic wrap. That's it... confidently put it in the refrigerator to marinate for 6-8 hours. Take it out when you are ready to serve the table. Enjoy your delicious and joyful holidays!

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