Homemade Farfalle

Homemade farfalle

Pasta dishes often appear on our home menu. I suggest making homemade farfalle. Surely, many of us have noticed bow-shaped pasta on supermarket shelves. These little pasta will undoubtedly please all pasta lovers and attract children's attention with their unusual shape.


  • Total: 60 min
  • Active: 30 min
  • Serves 1
  • 256 kcal / 100g


  • Chicken egg
    1 piece
  • Salt
    0.5 teaspoon
  • Juice
    15 ml
  • Wheat flour
    120 g


To prepare, take a chicken egg, salt, carrot juice, and wheat flour.

To prepare, take a chicken egg, salt, carrot juice, and wheat flour.

The cooking process is quite simple but requires patience and time for kneading, as you need to get a firm, smooth, and...

The cooking process is quite simple but requires patience and time for kneading, as you need to get a firm, smooth, and homogeneous dough. This amount of ingredients produces 125 g of cooked pasta. So, take a suitable mixing bowl. Crack the chicken egg into it. Add carrot juice and salt. I prepared carrot juice from fresh juicy carrots. To get the desired amount of juice, rinse the carrot (70 g) and peel it. Grate it on the finest grater. Wrap the pulp in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. You can use fresh beets and spinach in the same way. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly with a whisk until smooth.

Be sure to sift the flour into a separate container. Gradually add it to the egg mixture, stirring well after each...

Be sure to sift the flour into a separate container. Gradually add it to the egg mixture, stirring well after each addition. When the dough becomes thick enough, place it on a lightly floured board and continue kneading until it reaches the desired consistency.

We have obtained such a lump of dough. Wrap it in plastic wrap or a plastic bag and place it in a cool place for 30 minutes.

We have obtained such a lump of dough. Wrap it in plastic wrap or a plastic bag and place it in a cool place for 30 minutes.

If you have a large working surface and strong hands, you can work with a whole ball of dough. However, I suggest...

If you have a large working surface and strong hands, you can work with a whole ball of dough. However, I suggest dividing it into two halves, as it is more convenient for me to work with a small amount of dough. Wrap the second half in plastic wrap and store it in the refrigerator, as this type of dough quickly dries in the air.

Roll out the dough as thin as possible, constantly dusting the board with flour.

Roll out the dough as thin as possible, constantly dusting the board with flour.

Now, in order for our farfalle to be not only delicious but also beautiful, I suggest using a fancy knife. Smooth out the...

Now, in order for our farfalle to be not only delicious but also beautiful, I suggest using a fancy knife. Smooth out the sheet, giving it the shape of a rectangle. Use a regular knife along the wide side and the fancy knife along the shorter side.

And cut it into small rectangles. Choose the size according to your preference. Mine turned out to be 2cm x 4cm. Use the...

And cut it into small rectangles. Choose the size according to your preference. Mine turned out to be 2cm x 4cm. Use the fancy knife along the shorter side and the regular knife along the wide side. This is how the rectangles should look.

Now, pinch the dough in the center. You can boil them immediately after shaping in salted water or make a batch for...

Now, pinch the dough in the center. You can boil them immediately after shaping in salted water or make a batch for later. To do this, place the shapes on parchment paper and let them dry for a few hours until they become brittle.

Homemade farfalle is ready. Store it in a sealed container in a dry place. Enjoy your delicious dish.

Homemade farfalle is ready. Store it in a sealed container in a dry place. Enjoy your delicious dish.

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