Cottage Cheese and Sorrel Kutabs

Kutab with cottage cheese and sorrel

Kutabs are thin pies that resemble chebureks, a popular Azerbaijani dish. Kutabs are made with a filling of meat or greens. I want to show you a delicious variation with a filling of cottage cheese and sorrel. These pies are juicy, flavorful, with a pleasant sourness from the sorrel.


  • Total: 50 min
  • Active: 30 min
  • Serves 3
  • 175 kcal / 100g


  • Wheat flour
    180 g
  • Water
    100 ml
  • Vegetable oil
    1 tablespoon
  • Salt
    0.5 teaspoon
  • Cottage cheese
    150 g
  • Sorrel
    250 g
  • Green onion
    2 tablespoon
  • Butter
    2 tablespoon


To prepare kutabs, start by kneading the dough. For this, sift the flour twice into a bowl and mix it with half a...

To prepare kutabs, start by kneading the dough. For this, sift the flour twice into a bowl and mix it with half a teaspoon of salt. Pour water into the center of the flour and add vegetable oil.

Gather the flour and mix all the ingredients. It will result in a sticky mass.

Gather the flour and mix all the ingredients. It will result in a sticky mass.

Knead the dough by hand (it will take about 4-5 minutes). The dough will be smooth, easily detachable from hands and the...

Knead the dough by hand (it will take about 4-5 minutes). The dough will be smooth, easily detachable from hands and the table. Wrap the ball in plastic wrap and set aside for 20-25 minutes.

For the filling, the cottage cheese needs to be thoroughly mashed. This can be done simply with a fork or sieved.

For the filling, the cottage cheese needs to be thoroughly mashed. This can be done simply with a fork or sieved.

Wash the sorrel and green onions thoroughly in water, shake off the excess moisture and blot with paper towels. Remove...

Wash the sorrel and green onions thoroughly in water, shake off the excess moisture and blot with paper towels. Remove the thick stalks from the sorrel and finely chop it. Also finely chop the green onions.

Add the herbs to the cottage cheese, mix well and season with a little salt to taste.

Add the herbs to the cottage cheese, mix well and season with a little salt to taste.

Pinch off 8-9 equal pieces from the dough and roll them into balls. Roll each ball into a very thin flatbread (1-1.5 mm...

Pinch off 8-9 equal pieces from the dough and roll them into balls. Roll each ball into a very thin flatbread (1-1.5 mm thick) with a diameter of 15-17 cm. To make it easier to roll out, I recommend sprinkling the table with flour.

Spread 1.5 tablespoons of filling on one half of the flatbread.

Spread 1.5 tablespoons of filling on one half of the flatbread.

Cover with the second half and seal the edges of the flatbread. To prevent the edges from opening during frying, you can...

Cover with the second half and seal the edges of the flatbread. To prevent the edges from opening during frying, you can use a fork to create a beautiful wavy outline for the product.

Repeat the same process with all the dough balls.

Repeat the same process with all the dough balls.

If you have a cast-iron skillet, it's perfect for making kutabs! Heat a thick-bottomed skillet and place the pastries...

If you have a cast-iron skillet, it's perfect for making kutabs! Heat a thick-bottomed skillet and place the pastries. Cook until done without any fat, over low heat. This will take about 3-4 minutes.

Spread the ready-made kütabs with melted butter or clarified butter.

Spread the ready-made kütabs with melted butter or clarified butter.

Serve hot or cold. Enjoy your meal!

Serve hot or cold. Enjoy your meal!

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