Cheese Soup with Brussels Sprouts and Meatballs

Cheese soup with Brussels sprouts and meatballs

How often do you cook dishes with Brussels sprouts? These little heads are not only cute on the outside, but they are also very healthy and delicious. The slight bitterness that Brussels sprouts bring to dishes can easily be overcome by adding special ingredients such as butter, milk, cream, or processed cheese, which help to neutralize it. I will share with you the recipe for this exact cheese soup with Brussels sprouts and meatballs.


  • Total: 35 min
  • Active: 20 min
  • Serves 6
  • 62 kcal / 100g


  • Brussels sprouts
    250 g
  • Meatballs
    24 piece
  • Processed cheese
    1 piece
  • Onion
    1 piece
  • Water
    2 l
  • Carrots
    1 piece
  • Potatoes
    2 piece
  • Salt
    on taste
  • Greens
    1 tablespoon
  • Butter
    1 tablespoon


To prepare meatballs for cheese soup with Brussels sprouts and meatballs, take lean minced meat to make the soup lighter...

To prepare meatballs for cheese soup with Brussels sprouts and meatballs, take lean minced meat to make the soup lighter, as it also contains processed cheese. Roll small meatballs from the minced meat, not larger than a walnut. You can use freshly prepared meatballs or frozen ones for the soup. By the way, if you make meatballs for the soup according to the recipe above, I suggest making a double portion of them, so that you can put half of them in the soup and freeze the other half for next time. You don't have to use all the meatballs for this soup, you can also prepare another soup with meatballs, or rice soup with meatballs, or potato soup with meatballs as in kindergarten.

Brussels sprouts should be firm, fresh, and completely green. If the leaves have slightly withered or turned yellow, they...

Brussels sprouts should be firm, fresh, and completely green. If the leaves have slightly withered or turned yellow, they need to be separated from the head and discarded. Refresh the stem with a knife. Wash and cut the Brussels sprouts in half. If the florets are very small, you can leave them whole. If they are too large, cut them into 4 parts.

Wash and peel the medium carrot and large onion. Dice both vegetables finely.

Wash and peel the medium carrot and large onion. Dice both vegetables finely.

Dice the peeled potatoes into larger cubes than the previous two vegetables.

Dice the peeled potatoes into larger cubes than the previous two vegetables.

Melt a piece of butter in a saucepan or a large frying pan, in which the soup will be cooked, and sauté, or rather...

Melt a piece of butter in a saucepan or a large frying pan, in which the soup will be cooked, and sauté, or rather simmer, the diced onions and carrots in the butter for about 3-4 minutes.

Add potato cubes to the pot with vegetables, pour water, and add salt.

Add potato cubes to the pot with vegetables, pour water, and add salt.

When the water with vegetables starts boiling, add the meatballs and prepared Brussels sprouts. Wait for the liquid to...

When the water with vegetables starts boiling, add the meatballs and prepared Brussels sprouts. Wait for the liquid to boil again. Reduce the heat slightly. After 10-15 minutes, the meatballs should float to the surface - it's time to add the processed cheese.

Cut the processed cheese into small cubes. You can grate the cheese, but then you will have to wash the grater as well...

Cut the processed cheese into small cubes. You can grate the cheese, but then you will have to wash the grater as well, so using a knife will be easier. You can use flavored processed cheese, for example, with herbs.

Add the cheese cubes to the soup, mix, add herbs, and simmer for 2 minutes, then turn off the heat. If some of the cheese...

Add the cheese cubes to the soup, mix, add herbs, and simmer for 2 minutes, then turn off the heat. If some of the cheese cubes have not melted completely - it's okay, it will even be tastier. It is worse if the soup boils for a long time and the processed cheese turns into flakes, which will noticeably impair the taste and appearance of the finished soup.

The cheese soup with Brussels sprouts and meatballs is ready! It's time to call the family to the dining table.

The cheese soup with Brussels sprouts and meatballs is ready! It's time to call the family to the dining table.

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