Cheese pancakes with milk sauce like in a kindergarten

Curd pancakes with milk sauce like in kindergarten

This page of the website 'Menu of the Week' reveals the secrets of kindergarten cheese pancakes. There are a huge number of cottage cheese pancake recipes: every housewife has her own tricks. However, the technology of proper and healthy nutrition, which is prescribed in the recommendations for preschool institutions, is slightly different. How to cook a tender and fragrant delicacy from cottage cheese according to the kindergarten recipe? We will tell you about this in our article.


  • Total: 40 min
  • Active: 40 min
  • Serves 4
  • 217 kcal / 100g


  • Cottage cheese
    360 g
  • Butter
    45 g
  • Wheat flour
    80 g
  • Sugar
    80 g
  • Chicken egg
    1 piece
  • Milk
    160 ml


For the authenticity of the recipe, there is a technological card as a visual aid.

For the authenticity of the recipe, there is a technological card as a visual aid.

And this is the method.

And this is the method.

So, to prepare syrniki according to the kindergarten recipe, you need to mash the cottage cheese with a fork. In the...

So, to prepare syrniki according to the kindergarten recipe, you need to mash the cottage cheese with a fork. In the kitchen of the kindergarten, the cottage cheese is passed through a meat grinder if it is too dry. If it has a normal moisture content, it is mashed with a fork to remove large lumps.

Mix the cottage cheese with the egg, sugar, and flour. Knead the dough.

Mix the cottage cheese with the egg, sugar, and flour. Knead the dough.

Dust the work surface with flour and shape the curd cakes - small round discs.

Dust the work surface with flour and shape the curd cakes - small round discs.

Brown the curd cakes in a frying pan, frying them in butter.

Brown the curd cakes in a frying pan, frying them in butter.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Bake the prepared curd cakes for 10 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Bake the prepared curd cakes for 10 minutes.

Prepare the milk sauce. This is how it looks on paper in the collection of technological cards.

Prepare the milk sauce. This is how it looks on paper in the collection of technological cards.

And these are the stages of preparing the milk sauce.

And these are the stages of preparing the milk sauce.

Roast the flour in a dry pan until it turns pale pink. Stir frequently to prevent burning. Cool the flour and mix it with...

Roast the flour in a dry pan until it turns pale pink. Stir frequently to prevent burning. Cool the flour and mix it with two to three tablespoons of milk and butter, stirring well to eliminate any lumps.

Carefully add the flour mixture to the boiling milk, stir, and cook the sauce until thickened. In the original recipe, no...

Carefully add the flour mixture to the boiling milk, stir, and cook the sauce until thickened. In the original recipe, no sugar is added to the sauce, but not all children like to eat unsweetened sauce with sweet syrniki. Therefore, if desired, it is acceptable to add 40g of sugar to the sauce. In kindergarten, this sauce is also served with casseroles.

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