Cake with cottage cheese and cranberries

Cottage cheese and lingonberry cake

I really love eclairs and, in general, choux pastry is one of my favorites. It turns out that this dough can be used not only for eclairs, profiteroles, and choux, but also for a whole beautiful and festive cake. You can also make individual-sized cakes filled with low-fat cream cheese or buttercream, which are very tasty but also very high in calories. But today I want to suggest a cake with a healthy filling of fresh homemade cottage cheese and a vitamin bomb - cranberries.


  • Total: 120 min
  • Active: 25 min
  • Serves 8
  • 171 kcal / 100g


  • Flour
    150 g
  • Egg
    3 piece
  • Butter
    60 g
  • Cottage cheese
    300 g
  • Cowberry
    150 g
  • Sugar
    60 g
  • Gelatin
    10 g
  • Cream
    150 ml
  • Salt
    1 pinch
  • Water
    250 ml


Let's prepare the choux pastry. In this version, the dough is made only with water, because we need a base for the cake...

Let's prepare the choux pastry. In this version, the dough is made only with water, because we need a base for the cake that will be filled with a moist cream, so the dough should be denser. Take note of this choux pastry recipe, it is very successful. Let's start! In a small saucepan with a thick bottom, heat 250 ml of water with a pinch of salt. Add cubes of butter and let them melt over low heat.

While keeping the saucepan on heat, pour 150 grams of sifted flour into the boiling mixture with butter and mix...

While keeping the saucepan on heat, pour 150 grams of sifted flour into the boiling mixture with butter and mix vigorously. Stir the dough until it forms a dense, soft ball that detaches well from the sides of the saucepan. Now you can remove the saucepan from heat.

Immediately add and vigorously mix one egg into the dough, and after that let the dough cool slightly. Take a mixer with...

Immediately add and vigorously mix one egg into the dough, and after that let the dough cool slightly. Take a mixer with dough attachments and start adding eggs to the dough. One by one, fully incorporate each egg. You will need 3 or 4 eggs, I used 3 medium-sized and one large egg. Monitor the consistency of the dough after adding each egg, it should not become liquid. The correct consistency of the dough can be easily checked manually. Take a small piece of dough between your fingers, like you would take a pinch of salt, and lightly stretch it - the right dough will stretch instead of breaking.

Transfer the ready-made dough into a pastry bag or syringe with a wide nozzle. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper...

Transfer the ready-made dough into a pastry bag or syringe with a wide nozzle. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Now, let's prepare the base. You can make one large cake or 2 medium-sized cakes, or 4 small ones, it's up to you. In any case, the principle is the same. Squeeze the dough out of the syringe in a circular spiral shape. The last loop of the spiral should be doubled, creating a border.

Bake our bases for 25 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius, without opening the oven door. Remove them and let them cool.

Bake our bases for 25 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius, without opening the oven door. Remove them and let them cool.

While the bases are baking, let's prepare the filling. To do this, soak gelatin in cold water for 10 minutes, and then...

While the bases are baking, let's prepare the filling. To do this, soak gelatin in cold water for 10 minutes, and then heat it in the microwave for 10 seconds at 450 power. Beat the cottage cheese thoroughly with sugar using a mixer, and when the sugar dissolves, pour in the gelatin and mix well.

Whip the cream until stiff peaks form.

Whip the cream until stiff peaks form.

Add half of the whipped cream together with lingonberries to the cottage cheese mixture and gently mix it with a spatula.

Add half of the whipped cream together with lingonberries to the cottage cheese mixture and gently mix it with a spatula.

Spread this cream onto the baked dough base and refrigerate for 1 hour for the cream to set. Decorate with the remaining...

Spread this cream onto the baked dough base and refrigerate for 1 hour for the cream to set. Decorate with the remaining whipped cream using a pastry bag with a ridged nozzle and cranberries. If desired, you can also pour the cake with ready-made red glaze, prepared according to the instructions on the package. You can even have a slice of this cake in the evening - cottage cheese will satisfy light hunger, and cranberries have a sedative effect and will make your sleep sound and sweet.

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