Offal recipes

Homemade beef liver pate

Homemade Beef Liver Pate

Cooking Time: 120 min
166 kcal / 100g
Making beef liver pate at home is quite simple. It is suitable even for beginners in the kitchen. The pate...
Mia Walker
Mia Walker
4.8 out of 5
How to cook light pork.

How to cook light pork

Cooking Time: 270 min
111 kcal / 100g
Every housewife should know the subtleties of cooking light pork, as this product can be used to create...
Mia Walker
Mia Walker
4.7 out of 5
How to fry brains

How to cook fried brain

Cooking Time: 40 min
79 kcal / 100g
Calf brain is a true delicacy among offal, which is unfortunately often overlooked. In the 'Book of...
Mia Walker
Mia Walker
4.7 out of 5
How to cook chicken gizzards

How to cook chicken gizzards

Cooking Time: 180 min
139 kcal / 100g
Do you know how to cook chicken gizzards deliciously and easily? This product is very affordable and...
Mia Walker
Mia Walker
4.8 out of 5